PCB Manufacturing Process

Below is shown an example of the manufacturing process for a 4-layer printed circuit board.


The process begins with the commercial department inputting a job order, followed by a thorough review of received equipment—a critical step termed "contract review." This stage ensures that all necessary tools align with the production requirements before work commences. A pivotal element of this workflow is the creation of a work sheet that delineates each production cycle tailored to meet the client's specifications.

Worksheet preparation

The operation consists of planning the production of the printed circuit board and printing the specific instructions on a unique work card for each batch. The card lists the processes in order, the measurements and characteristics of the circuit, attaching the mechanical drawings. After the order is confirmed, the necessary equipment is verified and created. The forms are filled out and the work sheet is recorded, handed over to the department to start production. Some customers require special processing sequences to be included in the sheet.

Material Cut

Multilayer preparation is done with precision using CNC equipment. Copper foils are cut carefully to avoid bending or abrasion. Base laminate is visually inspected for cleanliness and material details are recorded.

Inner-Layers base cutting

The layer preparation operation for double-sided or multilayer circuits is done with a CNC saw or cutter. The cutting of the thin inner layer laminate is performed with precision respecting specific measurements and quantities. "ISOLA-MAS" laminate is used for UL-marked circuits. During processing, it is important to avoid bending or abrasion of the thin laminate. Visual inspection is made to ensure the base laminate is free of oil, fingerprints, oxide, and defects. The details of the material used must be recorded in the computer system.

Inner-Layers Alignment

Before drilling, a layer alignment through reference points is required to align all the inner layers. Misalignment can lead to electrical shorts, open circuits, and other functional issues.

Drilling inner layers reference holes

It's a drilling operation using CNC equipment to create reference holes on inner layers. This includes holes for automatic exposure, press-fit pins, and potential flagging. For 4-layer circuits, 3.2mm diameter holes are drilled in specific locations on the panel board. For multi-layer circuits with more than 4 layers, same holes are drilled with a 3.24mm defined diameter in the program. For boards with a short side < 300mm, 4mm diameter pin holes are drilled on the outer edge, with specific placements. The layers are prepared, stacked, taped, and drilled according to the established program and bit size.

Inner-Layers Processing

Copper surfaces are chemically etched to prepare them for dry film lamination. An automated laminator is used to laminate the film onto layers, with settings adjusted based on layer size to avoid creases and bubbles. Unpolymerized film is removed using a sodium carbonate solution, with bigger layers automatically unloaded and smaller layers handled manually to avoid damage. Etching masks are defined with meticulous film alignment, and desired pictures are created using Laser Direct Imaging once the film has dried. Inspections are critical before etching to guarantee excellent manufacturing.

Inner-Layers Chemical Preparation

Using a micro-spraying incision system, the copper surface is prepared for dry film lamination. The system works with sodium persulfate for chemical etching, following specific parameters for effective results.

Inner-Layers Lamination

This operation involves laminating the dry film onto the layers to be exposed using an automatic laminator. The settings of the laminator vary according to the size of the layers. The working parameters include specific speed, pressure and temperature. The speed is adjusted to avoid bubbles or wrinkles. The lamination point is set at 3mm from the board edge. During checks, it is important to verify that there are no glossy/matt areas, scratches, uncovered areas or bubbles/wrinkles on the laminated dry film.

Inner-Layers Exposure

Mask definition operation on the inner layer for subsequent etching is done by exposing the dry film mask. Using the same parameters as film exposure, the film is automatically centered by the equipment through a camera that reads reference holes on the layer. Exposure is done with 2 pulses manually, aligning the film using guide pins for inner layer exposure. Care is taken to ensure good film-to-layer contact for accurate reproduction. Exposure must result in a 9-step grayscale. Cleanliness of the film and exposure glass is crucial. Verify alignment and defects post-etching before printing a series. Laser Direct Imaging (LDI) fixes the dry film mask through laser irradiation, creating the desired image by interrupting the light beam movement on the inner layer. Rasterized images are transferred from CAD stations to LDI equipment. Pre-set mJ intensity is selected based on the dry film type.

Inner-Layers Dry Film Development

Development operation removes unpolymerized film, using 1% sodium carbonate solution and automatic replenishment system. Loading exposed panels is automatic, passing through delaminator to remove protective film. Thicker layers (>= 0.41mm) are unloaded with automatic cart, thinner layers are unloaded manually to avoid being damaged by the machine rollers and ultimately separated with a sheet of paper in between them.

Inner-Layers Visual Inspection

Post dry film development, inspection on inner layers is done before etching, using magnifying lenses. Defects like exposure, shorts, or development issues are checked. If anomalies are found on multiple layers, printing must be halted. Anomalies and actions taken should be reported in the production system. The first printed layer has a cut angle, and the last has two cut angles, which must be carefully checked for film defects after etching for alignment verification.

Inner-Layers Etching

The inner-layers etching procedure employs a plant to remove surplus copper, whereas a chemical process eliminates copper in exposed regions using a horizontal spray system.

Inner-Layers Etching

Operation using etching plant removes excess copper from plate surface. Chemical process removes copper in unprotected areas.

Inner-Layers Dry Film Stripping

After etching the inner layers, the dry film is removed using a chemical process with a horizontal spray setup following specific parameters.

Optical Inspection

Automatic Optical Inspection ensures that every inner layer is free from defects. Tested layers are placed in respective conforming circuits areas and defective layers in non-conforming area for future (if acceptable) corrections.

Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI)

Electronic optical control is the operational activity that allows checking the dimensional parameters of conductors with the help of electronic equipment. The electronic optical control system verifies the inner layer design using a camera and compares it to geometric rules in the program, checking measurements set by the operator. Inner layers are prepared for testing with mechanical or chemical processes, then placed on a test bed. Error-free inner layers are stored, while faulty ones are stamped and archived as "non-conforming product".


Inner-layers etching is a chemical procedure that eliminates superfluous copper. Prepreg cutting prepares prepreg sheets for use in the working circuit. Multi-Layer Assembly creates multilayer circuits for lamination. Inner-Layer Pressing employs a press mechanism to heat and cool laminated materials. Kraft paper sheets provide both cushioning and insulation.

Inner-Layers Oxidation

Copper roughening is the process of preparing the surface of copper for subsequent inner layer compression to create a multilayer circuit (where required). This treatment aims to create a rough surface for a better grip of the Prepreg during pressing, allowing the penetration of oxidation on the irregular surface. This process is carried out on inner layers after optical and/or visual inspection, using the our horizontal automatic darkening line.

Prepreg Cutting

Prepreg cutting is the operation that prepares sheets of prepreg in predetermined sizes for the working circuit. Using a specific cutter, the prepreg roll is unwound to the required size indicated in the worksheet, ensuring the dimensions match those used in cutting the inner layers. Variations for cutting optimization are allowed, as long as inner layer measurements are adjusted accordingly. The warp of the prepreg roll is always the longest part, while the weft is the shortest. An automatic cutting system can be used, with the cut prepreg labeled for identification and production progress tracking. The cut prepreg is then collected and stored by the press department manager.

Multi-Layers Assembly

The process involves assembling the multilayer circuits, which consist of inner layers, prepreg, and copper sheets, to form the press pack (sandwich) for lamination. The press pack includes up to 11 steel plates with multilayer circuits in between, ready to be laminated. Each work sheet contains the multilayer layout detailing the inner layer count, prepreg sheets, copper type, and assembly sequence. Attention is paid to any rejected shapes during optical testing, marked with a black indelible marker to be visible after lamination. Following the instructions on the work sheet, the operator assembles the multilayer circuit starting with a steel plate, followed by copper, prepreg sheets, and inner layers in sequence. For circuits with more than 4 layers, the inner layers are combined according to the designated sequence, sandwiched between prepreg sheets and thermally bonded before final assembly following the same process as the 4-layer circuits.

Inner-Layers Pressing

Pressing is the process of using a press (a specific system for lamination with heated plates in a vacuum environment) to press laminated materials (copper + prepreg + inner layer). It involves heating and cooling cycles. The operator selects a program from the press system based on material type, number of layers and quantity to be pressed. Kraft paper sheets are inserted above and below the laminate package to provide cushioning and insulation. Plates for pressing are cleaned regularly every 2 presses.

X-Ray Inspection

Inspecta X-ray is used to trim uneven edges of surplus material, drill reference holes, and carry out CNC cutting. Cutting programs are saved in the system's archive and recalled for new models. In panel edge deburring, an automated X-ray drilling system drills pilot holes in multilayer circuits to locate internal layer references.

Inspecta X-ray

Through the operation of trimming, irregular edges of excess material are cut off. Pressing of multilayer circuits requires a larger dimension than that of the panel. "Schoda" cutting system is used for drilling reference holes and CNC cutting is executed using the positions detected in the same production line. Cutting programs are stored in the system's archive or recalled for new models by entering the internal code on the panel's label.

Panels Edge Deburring

The operation involves an automatic X-ray drilling system to drill pilot holes in multilayer circuits after identifying the position of internal layer references. Tiny boards are placed on a cart to maintain their position relative to laser references set based on their distance. The cart is then loaded into the X-ray system, where one board at a time is drilled according to a program generated by the technical office. The holes are 3.95mm in diameter. After drilling, the board is trimmed based on the newly made holes, following a file generated by the technical office.


Panels drilling uses a CNC drilling machine with a program tailored to each internal code, with tools stored in an internal warehouse. Operators associate the software with drilling packs and a work sheet with file names. Panel deburring is a manufacturing procedure that eliminates copper burrs and panel oxide by deburring panels according to thickness, placing them onto a conveyor, and visually checking for problems.

Panels Drilling

Panels are drilled using a CNC drilling plant with a specific drilling program created for each internal code. The plant has an internal warehouse for storing all drilling tools, which are checked automatically for diameter and integrity after each use. The operator associates the drilling program with the packets of drilling by positioning them in the warehouse shelves. The work sheet in the "DNC line" displays the full name of the drilling file as prepared and stored in the DNC archive.

Panels Deburring

This production phase eliminates copper burrs and panel oxide. Panels are deburred based on thickness, loaded onto a conveyor, processed with a preset program and visually inspected for issues like ovalization or scratches.


The horizontal etch back procedure is a chemical cleaning method that removes resin residues from epoxy resin vias, resulting in a clean surface for metallization anchoring, especially in multilayer circuits with precise copper connections. DMS-E metallizes on conductive polymer, and the operator checks factors such as transport speed, temperature, plate loading, and chemical sequence.

Horizontal Etch Back

The operation involves chemically cleaning the vias from epoxy resin using an etch back or desmear conveyor system for both double-sided and multilayer circuits. This process removes any resin residues and creates a clean surface with micro-roughness for metallization anchorage. Multilayer circuits, with connections passing through vias from internal to external layers, require this chemical cleaning for perfect copper connection. Horizontal etch back occurs at a transport speed of 0.8 m/min, with temperature control and preset chemical bath times. Operator manages panels loading, process monitoring, and production advancement in accordance with established procedures.

Horizontal Metallization

Metallization of DMS-E on polymer is achieved through depositing a layer of conductive polymer inside the hole (on the resin) for subsequent electrolytic treatments. Horizontal metallization parameters include a transport speed of 1 m/min, controlled temperatures, and automatic plate loading and chemical sequence. Chemical bath parameters are monitored and replenished based on consumption by chemical lab operators following the DMS-E horizontal metallization control procedure.

Copper Plating

The galvanic plating line regulates copper deposition in terms of microns via work orders, with time and amperage fluctuating depending on process steps and customer specifications. Batch thickness is confirmed via "CU-Scope" and side panels are marked for etching room personnel.


In the automatic plating line, the copper deposit is based on the circuit-to-circuit type of processes. Time and amperage of the galvanic programs vary the amount of microns of copper they deposit on the panels which depend on the step of the work process and the client requirements. Each batch coming out of the galvanic process is measured with a specific instrument "CU-Scope" to verify the actual thickness of the deposited copper inside the vias. The side panels are marked for the Etching Department operators to let them know which panels have deposited more copper than the center ones.

Outer-Layers Imaging

A micro-spray incision system is used to prepare copper surfaces for dry-film lamination, creating micro-roughness and activating copper. The process involves an automatic laminator, with parameters such as speed, roller pressure, and temperature. Film preparation involves developing and testing photoplot films or reproducing them from customer originals. Dry film exposure involves fixing the film mask on a pad using UV or laser units, with automatic and manual methods available. Dry Film Development involves a developer with a 1% sodium carbonate solution, controlled by an automatic replenishment system and a chemical laboratory. Panels are loaded and positioned on racks, monitored using magnifying lenses, and focused inspection is crucial to ensure panel matching film characteristics.

Chemical Preparation

Through the use of a micro-spray incision system, the operation prepares the copper surface for subsequent dry-film lamination, creating surface micro-roughness and activating the copper. The system works with sodium persulfate to etch copper following specified parameters. The system is started 15 minutes before treating the panels to verify uniform etching through a "pink" coloration.

Dry Film Lamination

The operation involves laminating the dry film on the panels to be exposed using an automatic laminator. The automatic laminator is used by setting the cutting measurements according to the panels that are being worked on. Key working parameters are speed at 2.5m/min (+/-0.5m/min), roller pressure at 6ATM, and temperature at 120°C (while ensuring that the exit temperature of the panels is never below 50°C). Speed is adjusted, if needed, for better dry film conformity to remove bubbles or wrinkles caused by excessive heat. Laminator tacking is set at 3mm from the board edge, with cutting measurements adjusted based on panel dimensions while keeping the film 2mm away from the edges.

Copper/Solder Date Change

Film preparation is the process of preparing the printing film. After developing the photoplot film or reproducing it from customer originals, the operator checks and prepares it for production. For automatic exposure, the operator checks for defects, target data, and alignment reference. For manual exposure, the operator protects the film with a laminate, creates air holes, and ensures proper contact between the film and photosensitive film. Archived films undergo visual inspection before entering the clean room to ensure quality.

Dry Film Exposure

Exposure is the process of fixing the mask of the dry film on the pad using a UV or laser exposure unit.

- Automatic exposure: The film is automatically centered using a camera that reads reference holes on the pads. It is then exposed with 2-3 pulses to polymerize correctly at a grayscale level of 9.

- Manual exposure: The film is centered on the pad using reference pins or holes and then exposed manually.

- Laser Direct Imaging (LDI): The mask is created directly on the pad using a laser beam that moves along the X and Y axes to create the desired image. The intensity is preset based on the type of dry film used. Image data is transferred from the CAD station to the LDI system for exposure.

It's always ensured that the film is cleaned, free of defects, and has the correct manufacturing date before exposure.

Dry Film Development

It's the process using the development equipment to develop the dry film that was not polymerized during exposure. The development takes place in a developer with a 1% sodium carbonate solution controlled by an automatic replenishment system and the chemical laboratory. The equipment parameters are indicated in the process sheet. The loaded exposed panels are automatically fed into the equipment via the unloader, which removes the protective film from the panels. An automatic unloader places the developed panels on racks in the exit trolleys. Operators need to monitor equipment and loading/unloading parameters, film alignment, and definition accuracy using magnifying lenses. Focused inspection on the first and last printed panels and multiples of 20 is crucial, especially near film alignment pins prone to poor development due to contact defects between mask and photosensitive film during exposure. It's important to ensure the printed panels match film characteristics without shorts or interruptions.

Galvanic Plating

Galvanization is the process of electrolytically depositing copper, tin/lead nickel and gold onto circuits. Panels are coated with an extra alloy, and batches are processed one at a time. The galvanic system receives data, such as panel width, spacing, surface area, and other factors.

Galvanic Resurfacing

Galvanization is the process where copper and tin/lead are electrolytically deposited on circuits. After lamination, exposure and development of the dry film, panels are prepared with areas free from the film where additional metal (copper-tin, copper-nickel-gold) will be deposited. Batches are processed one at a time, with panels from the same batch or model in the rack. The quantity of panels is verified, placed in the loading cart with attention to orientation for grip, and faces of the panels must be uniform. Data is entered into the galvanic system, including the code from the galvanic program list. Panel width and spacing are input, along with surface area and other parameters defined in the process sheet.

Chemical Etching

Dry film stripping removes dry film from boards after electrolytic plating, followed by caustic soda treatment. Ammonia etching removes excess copper from panel surfaces, adjusted based on thickness. There is also the removal of tin/lead which are used as etch resists.

Dry film stripping

Process through which the horizontal spray stripper removes dry film from boards after electrolytic plating. Treating panels with caustic soda, then washing with water removes all dry film. With automatic loader set, operator can check stripping line and subsequent etching line for control. Chemical lab operators control caustic soda solution and give instructions for additions.

Ammonia etching

Through the operation aided by the engraving system, excess copper is removed from the panel's surface. The chemical process removes the copper from the part of the board not protected by etch resist (tin-lead, dry film, gold, nickel, etc. ). Using horizontal spray etching equipment, adjusted based on copper thickness (17u, 35u, 70u), the etching process is carried out. The equipment should be set according to the "ammoniacal etching process sheet". Chemical process checks are performed by lab operators, who are promptly informed of any issues. Controls on the copper thickness removed are tracked during etching to avoid narrowing. Viewing the board at an angle, copper forming a 90-degree angle with the track's surface indicates proper etching, while the absence of copper indicates over-etching, causing track narrowing. Inadequate etching speed may lead to incomplete copper removal, resulting in low isolations where copper remains on track edges.

Tin-lead stripping

The process involves removing lead/tin, used as etch resist to protect tracks during etching in a special horizontal spray system. System is started at least 30 minutes before use to reach the required temperature, then parameters are set which are specified in the process sheet. Working parameters are adjusted for complete removal of lead/tin in approximately 80% of the stripping chamber by adjusting the feed rate.

Solder Mask Processing

Sanding is a production step before solder deposition, followed by solder mask spray application, which involves spraying photosensitive solder on a board surface. The process involves gun temperature, tank pressure, wet solder thickness, and preparation. Filter replacement and nozzles width modification are also necessary. Photographic solder exposure is used to fix solder.


Production phase to remove copper oxide and dirt from panels before solder deposition. The operation consists in adjusting brush height based on panel thickness while ensuring brush touches the panel, set transport speed and checking panels for defects.

Solder mask spray application

The operation involves applying a thin layer of photosensitive solder via a spray system onto the entire surface of the board. This process occurs in two stages: application on the lower side of the panel followed by application on the upper side using a spray system equipped with paint guns, or alternatively, the EcoSpray system. The parameters to set on the system are specified in the service document. Atomization involves setting the gun temperature to 100°C and the tank pressure to 0.5-3.0 ATM, which may vary based on the surface and desired solder thickness. Wet solder thickness is measured with a wheel tool and should ideally be between 70-90 microns. Proper preparation of the solder material is crucial, and the viscosity of the prepared solder should be 60-65 seconds. The operation also includes nozzle width adjustment and filter replacement when necessary. The phase of applying the solder mask occurs in two steps, each requiring specific settings for atomization, temperature, and pressure based on the surface characteristics.

Solder mask spray drying

Pre-drying of spread solder with spray equipment, coater, or screen frame is carried out with a continuous or static oven to eliminate solvent. Recommended parameters for the continuous oven include speed of 1.0m/min, temperature of 125°C, and checking drying by touch. Optimal drying is verified to avoid overcooking and proper color development.

Photographic solder exposure

Solder mask fixation is carried out using a UV or LDI laser expositor to fix the photosensitive solder on circuit areas. The purpose is to polymerize and remove the solder where needed. For best results, the film should fully protect the circuit from UV rays. With a semi-automatic system, positioning the printing film on the panel and exposing it using vacuum and light activation ensures proper solder mask alignment. Regularly cleaned is the exposed area and verified the correctness of the solder mask before printing. Laser LDI exposure involves laser irradiation to create the desired image directly on the panel.

Photographic solder development

This is the operation through which, using the development system, the unpolymerized solder is removed in areas not exposed to UV light. This process clears solder from circuit soldering zones, while protecting other areas for a perfect definition and uniform solder coverage. A 1% sodium carbonate solution is used for development, with chemical lab monitoring. The developing machine is automatically filled and emptied, with panels placed on racks for final solder polymerization.


Silkscreen is a process where color is applied to circuit areas to form component topography, using a machine and frame. Types include 2-component and UV screen printing.


Screen printing is the operation in which color is applied to certain areas of the circuit to form a component topography. The process involves using a screen printing machine with a prepared frame for the screen printing. The printed panel is placed on the machine bed, aligned with reference holes and the frame is centered on the panel based on angular references or topography indications. The side to print the components is specified in the work order along with the color to use. There are two types of screen printing as specified in the work order: 2-component screen color baked in a hot air oven and UV screen color polymerized under UV light. Inkjet systems apply white screen printing to the component or solder sides using automatic new-print equipment. Panels are aligned and tested with a transparent laminated support before batch printing and polymerization in the oven.


Baking is a necessary step to ensure the final polymerization of the solder on the boards.

Solder mask final polymerization

Solder undergoes final polymerization in the oven. Alternatively, panels can dry in static oven at 150°C for 80 mins. Panels are placed on racks for air circulation.

Surface Finish

Tin-lead, Nickel-gold or silver is applied in PCB manufacture for corrosion resistance, conductivity, wear resistance, and aesthetics. Partial gilding is cost-effective for specific areas like contact pads, while total gilding covers the entire surface for maximum corrosion protection. High-frequency PCBs, aerospace, defense, medical equipment, and luxury electronics benefit from chemical gilding by enhancing appearance, reliability, and performance.

Total/Partial chemical finishing

Chemical finishing is a process used in PCB manufacturing to apply a thin layer of tin-lead, nickel-gold or silver for benefits like corrosion resistance, conductivity, wear resistance, and aesthetic appeal. Total gilding covers the entire PCB surface, providing maximum corrosion resistance, while partial gilding is applied to specific areas like contact pads to reduce costs. The process involves cleaning the surface, activating it for gold deposition, immersing it in a gold solution, rinsing, and drying. Chemical gilding is used in high-frequency PCBs, aerospace, defense, medical devices, and high-end consumer electronics. Overall, it improves performance, reliability, and appearance. Understanding the different gilding types and applications helps engineers choose the right process for their needs.


The CNC contouring test confirms measurements using client designs in PDF format. If not accessible, CAD requests are necessary. Mechanical drawings are reviewed for conformance prior to batch production, taking into account dimensions, cavities, apertures, non-metallized holes, and panel thickness. CNC contouring cuts plates with fine setup and tool manipulation in a "jobs list" format. Panels are examined for computer registration, and circuits are cut using CAD software or mechanical plans. The four-head approach ensures accuracy by positioning panels with reference holes and drilling holes.

Scoring CNC

Scoring operation is performed using a CNC scoring machine to make a shallow cut on board laminates. The scoring program is created by the technical office and stored on the UCAM server. The operator imports the program to the CNC machine using the "UCAM TELMEC LINK" software. Adjustments may be made to blade height based on board thickness. Scoring depth should leave a core thickness equal to one-third of the board thickness for stability. Before processing a batch, a test run is conducted to ensure accuracy.

CNC contouring test

Dimension checks are carried out before cutting, using customer-provided drawings attached to the worksheet or in PDF format. If drawings are not available, a request must be made to CAD. Conformity to mechanical drawings must be verified strictly before processing the batch. Key dimensional parameters to check include outline dimensions, cavities and openings, presence of all non-metallized holes on the panel as per mechanical drawing, regardless of whether they were made in the initial drilling or taken from milling, and panel thickness.

CNC contouring

Milling of the panels is done using CNC system with a milling/drilling program prepared on a "jobs list" format. The operator places the milling packets in the machine in the order specified by the jobs list, then initiates the milling process. Care is taken when setting up the milling drum, ensuring tools are handled properly and checking tool diameter. After milling, panels are checked and counted for computer registration. Using the 4-head system, milling is performed to cut circuits based on CAD programs or mechanical drawings. Panels are positioned on the machine bed with reference holes, holes are drilled, and measurements checked against mechanical drawings for accuracy.

Electrical Test

Electrical testing in PCB manufacturing ensures the final product meets electrical parameters by verifying trace continuity, checking for shorts, and measuring resistance values. Methods include in-circuit testing, flying probe testing, and functional testing under simulated conditions.

Finished circuits washing

Finished circuits washing is a crucial cleaning process to remove fingerprints or any other kind of residues from PCB surfaces. Methods include spray washing to ensure PCB reliability and performance.

ATG flying probe test

ATG (Automated Test Generator) flying probe test is a versatile method for PCB testing, using a probe (needles) that moves across the board to test specific points. It offers flexibility, speed, accuracy, and efficiency in generating test programs for high-volume production.

Final Check

The final check evaluates PCB to confirm design specifications and quality standards through functional, electrical, dimensional, and cosmetic testing. This ensures components are soldered correctly, electrical parameters are within tolerance, and PCB appearance is defect-free.

Final visual inspection

Final Visual Inspection focuses on PCB appearance, detecting defects that may impact functionality or reliability. It includes solder defects, scratches, and surface quality inspections to ensure proper uniformity and removal of unwanted materials.


Shipping and packaging are critical steps on PCB manufacturing, ensuring that products reach their destination in perfect condition. These processes require careful planning and execution to protect delicate PCBs from damage during transit.


PCBs are vacuum-packed to avoid external contamination and packaged with different types of protective materials such as anti-static bags, bubble wrap, corrugated cardboard boxes and/or desiccant sachets. A clear label on each model distinguishes from each other.